How to run further & longer in 2021
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How to run further & longer in 2021

Whether you’re building up to a 5k, a half marathon or marathon, the key is to gradually build up the time and distance in which you can run with little or no breaks in between. If you are training for a 5K, 10K, half marathon or any distance, this blog is for you!

One of the biggest challenges that new runners or current runners is learning how to run farther. Beginners often get injured, bored, or burned out before they meet their mileage goals for long-distance running.1 Once you hit a plateau, it can be tough to dig deeper and push past it.


The key is to take it slow. Running longer distances takes time and patience, so it's best to approach it gradually in order to avoid overuse injuries. Here are four small ways which will help you with your running ability.

Fuel your body

The first rule we have is actually outside fitness & running. It is actually about how you fuel your body so you have the power through a longer run. If you run early in the morning, it is important to eat adequately both on the morning of and leading up to the run.

You don’t have to eat a large meal, but the goal is get a burst of energy to get you started

The key is to get a good mixture of carbohydrates, glucose (a form of sugar), lean protein and fats.

Warm-Up Correctly

Warm up could include a light walk or dynamic stretches. Dynamic stretch are vital as it keeps the blood moving and you want to do static stretches for your warm down. Check out next point to learn more about static stretches. A good warm-up before running can prevent problems like side stitches and muscle tightness that can sabotage your run or make you more susceptible to injury. Begin with a brisk walk or slow jog to increase your body temperature and get your joints ready for more vigorous activity. Then do a few dynamic stretches to prepare your muscles for the miles ahead.

Add Strength Training

Strength training will be a game changer in your running progress. Strength training will decease the chances of osteoporosis. On the days when you're not running, cross-training that includes strength training helps your body to manage the physical stress of running. Your muscles will be able to perform longer before getting fatigued, which means you can run more miles. An adequate strength training program doesn't necessarily require hours at the gym. You can find many various at home strength training video follow along videos on youtube.

Setting realistic goals and celebrate your mini wins

Having specific short-term goals to work toward can help with the mental challenges of running longer. Your goals can be as simple as, "Run to the next stop sign" (and then the next stop sign, and the one after that). It doesn't matter how small your goal is as long as it keeps you moving. Setting unrealistic goals at the beginning may lead to demotivation. Set short term goals and have a long term goal in the future

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